更新时间:2021-07-16 20:36:10
LibGDX Game Development By Example
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Chapter 1. Getting to Know LibGDX
Introducing LibGDX
Setting up LibGDX
Creating a project
Importing a project
Chapter 2. Let's Get These Snakes Out of This Book!
Why Snake?
Game update cycle
Introducing Sammy the snake
Moving Sammy the snake
Adding the apple
Increasing the length of the snake
Chapter 3. Making That Snake Slick
Introducing the ShapeRenderer class
More on collisions
The state of the game
High scores
Handling different screen sizes
Chapter 4. What the Flap Is the Hype About?
Why Flappy Bird?
The project setup
Creating Flappee Bee
Adding textures and animations
GUI creation with Scene2D
The Start screen and disposal
Chapter 5. Making Your Bird More Flightworthy
Let's load up them assets!
Packing textures
I need a Hiero!
Chapter 6. Onto the Next Platform...Game
Why and what is a platformer?
Game reuse
Tile maps – mapping all over the world!
Introducing Pete
Collision detection
Adding a collectable
Chapter 7. Extending the Platform
Increasing the level
Let's make some noise
Chapter 8. Why Are All the Birds Angry?
The what why and how of Angry Birds
Setting up LibGDX with Box2D
Nutty Birds
Chapter 9. Even Angrier Birds!
The how what and why of object pools
Hey look at all these acorns!
Chapter 10. Exporting Our Games to the Platforms
Using all the platforms
Looking closer – Android
Looking closer – iOS
Looking closer – HTML
Chapter 11. Third-party Services
How to use platform-dependent libraries
Keeping it cross-platform friendly