第156章 9th March,1839
To Mr.W.Hitchin (ENDORSED:recd.March 21,1839)MADRID,MARCH 9,1839.
ON the other side I send you my account,which I hope you will find correct.In order to prevent confusion,I have charged my expenses from the period of my leaving London until my arrival at Cadiz in the Spanish,instead of the English currency.Respecting the item of Vitoriano,it will be as well to observe that,when employed in journeying,I allow him six REALS per diem and his diet,and two when in Madrid.I do not know that there is anything else to which I need direct your attention,except that I have not noted my quarter's salary because ignorant of the rate of exchange.If you please,you can credit me to the amount.
I did not go further than Naval Carnero on the way to Talavera,on account of an accident which occurred,the clergy having raised the country against me.Glory to God,they are becoming thoroughly alarmed,and with much reason.I have disposed of all the Bibles bound already,and have been compelled on account of the demand to order the rest of the sheets to be got in readiness.We shall be compelled to evacuate our storehouse and to seek another,as the rats are doing prodigious havoc to the stores.
Pray,remember me to all friends,and believe me,etc.,GEORGE BORROW.