The Ceramic Road of Chaozhou in Song Dynasty:With the Example of the Production and Export of Ceramics in Bi Jia Shan Kiln
Abstract: Ceramic production is an important mainstay of Chaozhou's economy in Song Dynasty. Bi Jia Shan Kiln is one of the most representative kilns of Chaozhou. Ceramics of Bi Jia Shan Kiln have been fully comparable to other famous kilns in China, produced on a large scale with remarkable diversity. Moreover, large quantities of products in Bi Jia Shan Kiln were exported overseas. It has such a historical significance that it is well worth studying. Drawing on a rather comprehensive review of literatures on Bi Jia Shan Kiln, this paper examines several issues of Bi Jia Shan Kiln, including its production and export in Song Dynasty. In addition, this paper provides author's viewpoint on situation of production in different stages, routes and ports of export, as well as maritime trade of ceramics in Bi Jia Shan Kiln according to numerous historical materials.
Keywords: Ceramic Road; Bi Jia Shan Kiln; Production and Export; Sea Route; Port