5 托尔斯泰(1828—1910)
最后看一下托尔斯泰。应该是对日俄战争之际倡导反战的托尔斯泰产生了共鸣,辜鸿铭在1906年将自己的著作《尊王篇》以及《日俄战争的道德原因》(Et Nunc, Reges, Intelligite!The Moral Causes of the Russia-Japanese War)赠送给托尔斯泰。由此两人开始通信。托尔斯泰给辜鸿铭的书信还以公开信的形式在报纸上发表。[20]后来在1908年,辜鸿铭把《中庸》、《大学》的译本赠送给托尔斯泰。托尔斯泰的日记里还记载着他曾经阅读过这些书。[21]
It is again said:
How excellent it is,
The moral perfection of King Wen.
That is to say, this is the characteristic of the nobleness of the Emperor Wen.Moral perfection also never dies.
Tolstoi says :—“In studying the men who have behind them a force which continues to act, we can see why these men in subjecting their individuality to reason and in giving themselves up to a life of love, never could doubt and never have doubted the impossibility of the destruction of life.”
Confucius elsewhere speaking to one of his disciples, said:—“Shall I tell you what is true intellect and real understanding? To know what it is that you do and can know and to know what it is that you do not and can not know: that is true intellect and real understanding.”