上海虹桥绿地世界中心酒店群 / Greenland World Center Hotels Shanghai Hongqiao
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As the large complex hotel cluster in Shanghai Hongqiao CBD, Greenland World Center Hotels Shanghai Hongqiao are located next to National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), consisting of Primus Hotel Shanghai Hongqiao, Primus Residence Shanghai Hongqiao and the QUBE Hotel Shanghai Hongqiao.
上海虹桥绿地世界中心酒店群 / world-center-hotels

上海虹桥绿地铂瑞酒店 / Primus Hotel Shanghai Hongqiao
上海虹桥绿地铂瑞酒店是上海虹桥绿地中心酒店群中的个性奢华品牌酒店。酒店拥有393间设计优雅的客房,包括39间套房。客房面积从46平方米到413平方米不等。每间客房均配备富有现代感的设施及专门定制的家具,给人无处不在的个性奢华体验。酒店的整体设计完美糅合了铂瑞品牌的经典蓝色与金色,奢华与典雅交相辉映,西式传统与新现代中式完美碰撞。独家定制KING KOIL卧具提供更加舒适的睡眠。每间客房均贴心配备JBL音响,部分房型配备Nespresso胶囊咖啡机等设施完美旅居体验。个性鲜明的餐饮服务融合全日餐厅、行政酒廊、意大利餐厅及中餐厅;国际化标准健身中心配有专业的健身器材及健身顾问,并由专业水疗及健身管理运营团队颐尊集团悉心管理,开启游客健康生活。酒店拥有超过1200平方米的无柱大宴会厅和11个会议室,满足多种宴会和会议需求。

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Primus Hotel Shanghai Hongqiao is an ideal luxury hotel of Greenland World Center Hotels Shanghai Hongqiao. The hotel provides 393 elegantly designed guest rooms including 39 suites, each of which rangs from 46 square meters to 413 square meters. They are equipped with modern facilities and custom-made furniture providing the individualized and luxury experience for every guest. The overall design perfectly integrates the classic blue and gold colours of Primus brand, which creates a great mixture of luxury and elegance. To some extent, it is a friendly dialogue between traditional Western style and new Chinese style. The special customized KING KOLL bedding will ensure guests a good sleep. Every guest room is equipped with JPL sound system, some of which also have Nespresso machines to meet the special needs of guests. Various choices on food and beverage are all day dining, executive lounge, Italian and Chinese restaurants. Aiming at being a healthy lifestyle provider, the international standard f itness center is equipped with professional f itness facilities and personal consultants managed by Touch Group, specialized in hydrotherapy and f itness management. The pillarless grand ballroom with more than 1,200 square meters and 11 conference rooms are able to meet different business and banquet needs.
诸光路1588弄100号/100, Lane 1588, Zhuguang Rd.
轨交17号线诸光路站、2号线徐泾东站/Zhuguang Road Station, Line 17; East Xujing Station, Line 2
公交776路、797路/Line 776/797
上海虹桥绿地铂瑞公寓 / Primus Residence Shanghai Hongqiao

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Primus Residence Shanghai Hongqiao is an upscale service apartment of Greenland World Center Hotels Shanghai Hongqiao. The hotel features 158 apartments, ranging from one-bedroom apartment up to 40 square meters to three-bedroom apartment up to 170 square meters. Meanwhile, each apartment is equipped with TV, rest area, a private bathroom with a bathtub and a kitchen with a dishwasher and a microwave oven. It also features private fitness facilities and conference rooms to balance the living and working demands of guests.
诸光路1588弄188号/188, Lane 1588, Zhuguang Rd.
轨交17号线诸光路站、2号线徐泾东站/Zhuguang Road Station, Line 17; East Xujing Station, Line 2
公交776路、797路/Line 776/797
上海虹桥绿地铂骊酒店 / The QUBE Hotel Shanghai Hongqiao

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The QUBE Hotel is an upscale brand hotel of Greenland World Center Hotels Shanghai Hongqiao, designed for business travelers looking for easy access and comfortable stay. The hotel features 287 well-designed fashionable and bright rooms. They adopt environment-friendly Holographic materials and are equipped with air purif ication system, modern smart off ice system, and audio and visual system, aiming to create an eff icient and comfortable space for business travelers to work and relax. The guests can keep close touch with the world at any time. The modern fashionable design with local characteristics, vigorous and bright colour scheme, and humanized interior layout always make good impressions on guests. The hotel also has 278-square-meter multi-functional hall and 4 conference rooms ranging from 69 square meters to 150 square meters. It is a perfect choice for various business events.
诸光路1588弄200号/200, Lane 1588, Zhuguang Rd.
17号线诸光路站、2号线徐泾东站/Zhuguang Road Station, Line 17; East Xujing Station, Line 2
公交776路、797路/Line 776/797