A Brief Introduction
This Book is one of the textbooks of the key curriculums for Higher Legal Educa-tion, edited according to the Basic Teaching Request of Key Curriculums of National Higher Legal Discipline made by Ministry of Education, and it is supposed to meet the teaching demands of private international law in the 21st century.
In this book, the authors use the private international law system generally ac-cepted by scholars at home and abroad. The authors utilize the newest massive a-chievement of domestic and international legislations, judicial practices and theoreti-cal research, and elaborate the basic theory and basic system of private international law thoroughly and systematically.The book consists of 5 parts and 18 chapters.Part one is“General Survey”.Part Two is“Property”.Part Three is“Obligations”.Part Four is“Marriage, Family and Succession”.Part Five is“Settlement of International Civil Disputes”.
Using comparison method, with multiple-level approaches and multiple perspec-tives, the authors elaborate and analyze the above contents thoroughly, reflect the ne-west domestic and international development of private international law. The book also has new progresses and breakthroughs in theoretical innovation, system construc-tion, lingual style improvement and annotation criterion.
This book can be used as a textbook by the undergraduates and graduates majo-ring in law, and it also can be made reference by students majoring in other disci-plines and social readers.