1.3 Our Proposal
We propose to account for the licensing mechanism of predicate NPs within the framework of Minimalist Program applying the feature checking operation.First, we assume in line with the conceptual idea of MP, that all NPs enter derivation bearing categorial feature [N]and the following canonical features such as[+interpretable]φfeatures and[-interpretable]Case feature. The derivation will converge at LF interface only when all the [-interpretable] features in the structure checked and deleted, including the Case feature of the predicate NP.Second, the prerequisite of this mechanism is that small clauses are analyzed as a constituent, a maximal projection of a functional head Pr(Predication).Predicate NP merges as the complement of the head and subject NP at the Spec position.Then the PrP(Predication Phrase)merges with a higher phrase VP and is contained in the vP phase.In this phrasal structure of small clauses and the main clauses, the co-operation of Multiple Agree, Case Inheritance and Multiple Specs in feature checking mechanism provides a way for predicate NPs getting Case feature checked, and hence licensed.