1-2 Introduction to Windows
Microsoft Windows is a desktop operating system which was developed by Microsoft Corporation in 1985. At first it was only a Microsoft-DOS simulation environment. Microsoft constantly update and upgrade the following systems of the version, and slowly, windows becomes every family's favorite operating system.
Microsoft Windows是微软公司研发的一套桌面操作系统,问世于1985年。它起初仅仅是Microsoft-DOS模拟环境。微软公司不断地更新升级此版本的后续系统才使它慢慢地成为家家户户最喜爱的操作系统。
Introduction to Windows
Microsoft Windows is a software system that works hand in hand with MSDOS to create what is commonly called a graphical operating environment, or Graphical User Interface(GUI). Working with your computer in this environment offers many advantages over working with “normal” MSDOS. Here are some of those advantages:
Windows replaces the DOS command line, so that you no longer have to deal with difficult-to-remember DOS commands. Instead of typing at the DOS A or C prompt to start programs, for example, you can start them by selecting easily recognizable graphic symbols, called icons. And instead of having to look up command syntax in a DOS manual when you want to copy files or check the amount of free space on a disk, you can perform these functions with Windows drop down of menus and dialog boxes. These menus and dialog boxes free you from concerning about command syntax.
Windows lets you run more than one program each time and move easily and quickly between programs. You don't have to quit your word processor, for example, when you want to consult your calendar.

Windows 8
Windows provides a standard mechanism for copying or moving information from one program to another. This mechanism, called the Clipboard, means that information created in one context is instantly reusable in another: you don't need to reenter information or work with clumsy data-transfer utilities.
Windows also includes a facility called Dynamic Data Exchange(DDE)that allows certain program to exchange information automatically. Programs that support DDE can be “hot linked”together so that changes within one are instantly reflected in an other.
Windows makes more efficient use of all your computer's memory than standard MSDOS does. All programs written for version 3(or later)of Windows can take advantage of memory beyond 640KB, without requiring special hardware or “driver” files.
Windows encourages consistency among applications, making it easier for you to use a variety of complementary programs in your work. Applications written specifically for the Windows environment have a great deal in common, because they all use standard Windows drop-down menu and dialog box formats. Thus, when you learn to use one Windows program, you're well on your way toward knowing how to use a Windows program.
In short, Windows is a system that makes your computer easier to use, allows you to be more productive and gets the maximum value from your hardware and software investment.
Key words and expressions(重点词汇)
graphical [ˈgræfɪkl] adj.绘成图画似的;绘画的;图形化
interface [ˈɪntəfeɪs] n.界面;<计>接口;交界面
icon [ˈaɪkɒn] n.图标;图示;图像;偶像
function [ˈfʌŋkʃn] n.功能;作用;应变量;函数;职务;重大聚会;功能;函数;职能;作用
Menu [ˈmenjuː] n.菜单;菜;菜肴;选单;菜单键
syntax [ˈsɪntæks] n.语法;句法;有秩序的排列
mechanism [ˈmekənɪzəm] n.机制;机构;机理;机械装置
Dynamic [daɪˈnæmɪk] adj.动态的;动力的;动力学的;充满活力的;精力充沛的;不断变化的;充满变数的
version [ˈvəːʃn] n.版本;译文;译本;说法;倒转术
consistency [kənˈsɪstənsi] n.一致性;稠度;一贯性;连贯性
Expanded vocabulary(扩展词汇)
operate [ˈɒpəreɪt] vt.操作;控制;使运行
simulation [ˌsɪmjuˈleɪʃn] n.模仿;模拟
environment [ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt] n.环境;外界
favorite [ˈfeɪvərɪt] adj.喜爱的;宠爱的;中意的
advantage [ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ] n.优势;优点;好处;有利条件
recognize [ˈrekəgnaɪz] vt.认出;识别;承认
dialog [ˈdaɪəlɒg] n.对话框;对白;对话;会话
command [kəˈmɑːnd] n.命令;指挥
calendar [ˈkælɪndə(r)] n.日历;历法;日程表
Oral practice(口语练习)
1. Notebooks are expected to run better on Windows 7 than Vista, which required more powerful hardware than notebooks offered.
2. Different operating systems address these issues in different manners, however most operating systems contain components which have similar functionalities.
3. The techniques used to implement these functions may vary from one OS to another, but the fundamental concepts are the same.
Ⅰ. Choices.
1.______ is not an OS.
A. Windows 7
B. Word
C. Linux
D. Unix
2. Windows replaces the ______ command line.
B. Windows 7
C. Vista
D. Windows 2000
3. Windows is a ______ that makes your computer easier to use.
A. hardware
B. software
C. system
D. program
4. What does Windows include?
5.______ is a desktop operating system which was developed by Microsoft Corporation in 1985.
B. Unix
C. Vista
D. Microsoft Windows
Ⅱ. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
Operating system(OS)functions have evolved in response to the following considerations and issues:
1. Efficient utilization of computing resources.
2. New features in computer architecture.
3. New user requirements.
Ⅲ. Translate the following paragraph into English.
Microsoft Windows是一个软件系统,它与MSDOS联合创立了一个我们平常所说的图形操作环境或者是图形用户接口(GUI)。在这种环境下工作的计算机具有了比“普通”工作在MSDOS下的计算机更突出的优点。现列举其中一些:

Windows 8
Windows使用计算机内存的效率比标准的MSDOS要高。所有Windows 3(或更高)的程序能够使用超过640KB的内存,而不需要特殊的硬件或“驱动”文件。