This code is developed by Sinopec Fourth Construction Co.,Ltd.in cooperation with other involved organizations based on the requirements of Document Jian Biao〔2007〕No.126 issued by the former Ministry of Construction(MOC)of the People's Republic of China-Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards(2n d Group)in 2007.
In preparing this code,the development team made extensive investigations and studies,summarized the engineering practice experience,referred to the international codes and standards,reviewed and finalized this code based on comments from involved organizations.
This code comprises 8 chapters and 4 appendixes,and mainly includes general provisions,terms,basic requirements,materials,construction quality acceptance of insulation layer,construction quality acceptance of vapor barrier,construction quality acceptance of cladding,and requirements and record forms for insulation quality acceptance.
The provisions printed in bold are compulsory and must be enforced strictly.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China is in charge of administration of this Code and explanation of its compulsory provisions,China Petrochemical Corporation is responsible for its routine management,and Sinopec Fourth Construction Co.,Ltd.is tasked for explanation of specific technical contents.During the process of implementing of this Code,any comments and advices can be fed back to Sinopec Fourth Construction Co.,Ltd.(Address:180 Shiji Road,Binhai New Area(Dagang),Tianjin 300270).
Chief development organization,participating development organizations,chief drafting staff and chief reviewing staff of this Code:
Chief Development Organization:
Sinopec Fourth Construction Co.,Ltd.
Participating Development Organizations:
Sinopec Tenth Construction Co.,Ltd.
Sinopec Fifth Construction Co.,Ltd.
Chief Drafting Staff:
Hu Wei Wang Guangzhao He Guitang
Chief Reviewing Staff:
Lu Tian Ge Chunyu Wang Qinghua Nan Yalin Chen Minsheng
Guan Weiqing Lai Jindong Wang Yonghong Gu Zhiming Zhao Yuanyang
Wang Jiansheng Shen Meiju Bi Shukai Chi Ming