1 General Provisions
1.0.1 This code is prepared with the purpose of strengthening the construction quality management and control of waste heat power generation in cement plant and standardizing the engineering construction and quality acceptance.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to construction and quality acceptance of newly constructed,renovated,and extended waste heat power generation in cement plant.
1.0.3 In addition to the requirements stipulated in this code,the construction and quality acceptance of imported equipment shall also comply with the requirement of equipment technical documentations.
1.0.4 For the construction of waste heat power generation in thermodynamic circulating system with nonwater medium,the construction and quality acceptance of thermodynamic circulating system shall comply with corresponding technical requirements.
1.0.5 In addition to the requirements stipulated in this code,the construction and quality acceptance of waste heat power generation in cement plant shall also comply with those stipulated in the current relevant national standards.