4 进入求学生涯
★我的外教来自加拿大。My foreign teacher is from Canada.
★蒂娜是我初中时的同班同学。Tina is my classmate of primary school.
★新来的同学是一个总是带着浅浅微笑的男生。The new comer is a boy with a slight smile.
★你的功课学会了吗?Have you learnt your lessons?
★我喜欢沙包游戏。I like the game of beanbag.
kindergarten 幼儿园
•幼儿园 play school
•托儿所 nursery school
•幼师 kindergarten teacher
•在上幼儿园 in kindergarten
•民办幼儿园 private kindergarten
•幼儿园 preschool
classmate 同班同学
•新同学 new classmate
•男同学 boy classmate
•同学 schoolfellow
•校友 former student
•领先于同班同学 ahead of classmates
grade 年级
•低级别 low grade
•成绩单 grade report
•平均分数 average grades
•取得好成绩 make good grades
school bus 校车
•乘公共汽车上学 go to school by bus
•在校车上 on the school bus
•班车 shuttle bus
monitor 班长
•副班长 vicemonitor
•班委会 class committee
•学习委员 commissary in charge of studies
•团支部书记 league branch secretary
nervous 紧张的
•紧张的 anxious
•变得紧张 get nervous
•感到紧张 feel nervous
•因为……紧张 nervous of
kind 亲切的
•仁慈的心 kind heart
•体贴的丈夫 kind husband
•对某人亲切 kind with sb.
•盛情邀请 kind invitation
teacher 教师
•班主任 head teacher
•数学老师 mathematics teacher
•语文老师 language teacher
•体育老师 athletics teacher
•历史老师 history teacher
•生物老师 living creature teacher
•地理老师 geography teacher
schoolbag 书包
•背包 backpack
•腰包 waist bag
•单肩包 shoulder bag
•手提包 the carrier
•工具包 kit
•钱包 purse
manage 管理
•用……处理 manage with
•管理团队 manage team
•经营一家连锁超市 manage a chain store
•管理家务 manage household
the top class 大班
•第一名 top of the class
•小班 the bottom class
•中班 the middle class
wonder 感到好奇
•极好的 wonderful
•仙境 wonderland
•对……好奇 be curious about
greeting 招呼
•电话问候 greeting call
•贺卡 greeting card
•新年祝福 season’s greeting
•诚挚的问候 cordial greeting
•微笑致意 smile a greeting
new comer 新来的
•初来乍到 come to a place for the first time
textbook 教科书
•标准本教科书 standard textbook
•教科书 school book/course book
•读者 reader
•识字课本 primer
seat 座位
•后座 back seat
•请坐 take a seat
•安全带 seat belt
platform 讲台
•黑板 blackboard
•粉笔 chalk
•马克笔 marker
•粉笔擦 blackboard eraser
desk 课桌
•台灯 desk light
•付款台 cash desk
•服务台 information desk
•办公写字桌 office desk
•写字台 writing desk
mop 拖把
•用拖把拖洗 mop up
•长柄拖把 dust mop
•擦洗者 mopper
•洗碗刷 dish mop
dust bin 垃圾桶
•垃圾桶 garbage can
•废物箱 waste bin
deskmate 同桌
•邻桌 student next to my table
•前排 front row
•后排 back row
•前排座席 the front pew
on duty 值日
•不值班 off duty
•夜班 night duty
•值日生 student on duty
stationery 文具
•文具盒 stationery case
•文具商 stationer
•自动铅笔 propelling pencil
•信纸 letter paper
corner 角落
•在角落里 in the corner
•在拐角处 around the corner
•十字路口 four corners
•街角小店 corner shop
•抄近路 cut off a corner
•窘境 tight corner
broomstick 扫帚
•拿起扫帚 pick up the broomstick
•打扫 sweep
•垃圾 trash
•纸屑 waste paper
wash 清洗
learn 学习
•得知 learn of
•了解 learn about
•向某人学习 learn from
•自学 earn by oneselfteach oneself
schoolbell 上课铃声
•上课铃响 the school bell rings
•警铃 alarm bell
•按门铃 ring the bell
•门铃 door bell
distract 走神
•使某人分心 distract sb
•注意力分散在……distract in...
•分心 distraction
•使从……分心 distract from...
stand up 起立
•坐下 sit down
•坚持 stand up for
•抵抗 stand up against
hand in 交上
•交上 give in
•参与 take a hand in
•分发 hand out
late 迟的
•晚一小时 an hour late
•深夜 late hour
•早的 early
ask questions 提问问题
•回答问题 answer questions
•开放性试题 opening questions
lesson 课程
•听课 attend a lesson
•上一节课 have a lesson
•游泳课 swimming lesson
•课后 after the lesson
attention 注意
•集中注意力 pay attention
•公众的关注 public attention
•引起注意 draw attention
speak 说话
•说想说的话 speak one’s piece
•大声地说 speak aloud
listen to 听
•全神贯注地倾听 listen with attention
•倾听 listen for
homework 作业
•准备 prepare
•做作业 do the homework
•分配 assign
•周末作业 weekend homework
discipline 纪律
•遵守纪律 keep/observe discipline
•维持纪律 maintain discipline
•班纪 class discipline
•校规 school discipline
hour 课时
play 玩
•打篮球 play basketball
•演奏一首歌 play a song
•捉迷藏 play tag
•轮流玩 play by turns
playground 游乐场
•运动场 sports ground
•操场 athletic ground
•在操场上 on a playground
•公共运动场 public playground