Copying the Siebel File System Seed files
During the installation of the Siebel Database Server Utilities, we chose the feature Sample Database support, which caused the creation of a FILES
subdirectory in the installation folder of the Siebel Database Server Utilities (dbsrvr).
In order to finalize the Siebel Database installation, we navigate to this directory, select all files that have a .SAF
(Siebel Attachment File) or .kb
(knowledge base—used for the Smart Answer module) suffix, and copy them to the ATT
subdirectory of the Siebel File System using the copy utility of our choice.
In order to verify the correct placement of the attachment files, we log on to the Siebel Web Client as SADMIN and click the Sitemap (globe) icon to access the Sitemap. There we click the Administration - Document link and then click the Correspondence Templates link to navigate to the Correspondence Templates list view.
In the list of correspondence templates (all imported as seed data during the Siebel database installation), we click the hyperlink for the first template. We should see a dialog box allowing us to choose to open or save the document or cancel the operation. When we click Open, the document will be downloaded from the Siebel File System and opened in the associated application.
We must accept the fact that not all seed documents have an associated seed attachment file, but the procedure described above should work for most of the sample correspondence templates and proves that we copied the seed attachment files correctly.