China is now poised to become a technological and ecological leader in the world economy. Chinese leaders are laying out global development strategies with their extremely wise vision and thinking. The book series "Smart City Practice" is published as the key research achievement of the Chinese national 13th Five-Year Plan. The project lls the gap in systematical research of smart city worldwide. It is also the leading action to explore and guide the operation of smart cities and industrial practice. The publication of the book series proves that the vision of author and the leadership of CAPPC and the International Smart City Research Institute is very strong and focused.
In order to maintain China's ability to thrive and compete in the international marketplace, China must keep pace with a movement that is sweeping the globe. That movement is the evolution of what is being referred to as a Smart City. Chinese government, as well as the technology researchers and developers, has already started city innovation to avoid failing behind other countries. The purpose of developing China's Smart City's is to promote economic development, improve environmental conditions and the quality of the life of the citizens of China. The goal of becoming a Smart Country can only be achieved by laying the proper foundation in which to build upon. The foundation will improve interoperability, security and communication across all segments of the China communities. Establishing the foundation will result in an “Embrace and Replace”solution. The current aging infrastructures will become more efficient and China will be able to realize a lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) across all segments.
Once implemented, China will realize a signi cant increase in discretionary budget. The savings created by improved efficiencies in current infrastructure means leaping economic development can occur without the need for additional funds to the general budgets.
An essential element of China’s ascension to becoming a Smart Country will be the cooperation between the public and private sectors. Each must share the common objective to reduce the carbon footprint of China. Teamwork will be valued and community pride is instilled. Once this is accomplished, the end result will be an enhancement of the lives of China’s citizens.
I commend the authors and leadership that produced this book, Mr. Wu Honghui President of International Smart City Research Institute, Mr. Long Chen and Mr. Wang Dian-Ping of the Ministry CAPPC in which they promote the general guidelines needed to establish China as the rst Smart Country. By release of this book all cities have a foundation to look to that will work in unison and achieve the goals of lower carbon emissions and footprint, cleaner environment, lower overall costs on infrastructure, reduced energy consumption and a richer more sustainable life for all China’s Citizens. Most importantly, the book will be the reference for the smarty city industrial and technology development , as well as the model template for practitioners .
Setting a smart city vision and effectively moving towards it with a foundation based strategy is essential. A systems-based approach is critical to ensuring resource efficiency and security all while maintaining socially and environmentally inclusive growth. With the Government and Private Sectors throughout China working together, the rewards for China’s initiative to transform into a Smart Country will span economic, environmental and social bounds.
The aforementioned efforts allow China to join and even supersede cities such as: Barcelona the ‘Global Smart City 2015', New York (USA), London (UK), Nice (France) and Singapore. The ultimate bene t being the increased health and standard of living for all of China's citizens in which to prosper. China will be the Beacon the world looks to when they too want a better life for all.
Michael Holdmann
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