Making a rectangle using relative coordinates
In the previous example, the rectangle started from the origin; hence, the coordinates of point 2 also represented the length and width. However, if you don’t want the rectangle to start from the origin and you instead want it to start from any other point, then you need to use the relative coordinates, which are explained here:
- Start the Rectangle command from the Draw panel or use its REC command.
- Click on any point in the drawing area to specify the first point of the rectangle.
- Type @8,3 and press Enter to specify the next point of the rectangle.
- The rectangle will be made with a length of 8 units and a width of 3 units.
In this case, we have used the @ sign before the point 2 coordinates because the first point was chosen randomly from the drawing area and it was not on the origin. So, adding the @ sign makes point 1 the origin for this particular case and the values of point 2 will be measured with respect to the first point.
If you start the Rectangle command from any random point and add the second point as 8,3, then the second point of the rectangle will end up on the absolute 8,3 point, with respect to the absolute coordinate system, and the length and width of the rectangle, in this case, won't be 8 and 3, respectively.