Create React App 2 Quick Start Guide

The bundle era

To solve this problem, it was important to solve the dependency problem in general. The move toward Node.js-based tools, such as npm, helped significantly, because now your dependencies would be pulled from a centralized location and versioning became a first-class citizen of JavaScript development, which was fantastic!

What was less fantastic, however, was when you needed to apply this problem to browser code and rich web applications. Often, this meant an intricate dance of understanding what libraries were required for which projects. If you wanted to use React with JSX (we'll talk more about this later), as well as the latest JavaScript syntax, you needed to know exactly what versions of React and Babel to include. You'd also need to understand which Babel plugins you'd need to have to support your use of whatever draft of JavaScript syntax.

Do you want to use some CSS transformers or any other language help, such as TypeScript or Flow, in your React project? If so, building and configuring your project becomes markedly more difficult, and we haven't even gotten to the problem of getting this code put together to be used on the browser! Now you needed to have a wide breadth of knowledge just to get your project started, and a wide depth of knowledge for knowing how to set up and configure something such as Webpack, Bundler, Grunt, Gulp, or Brunch!

This is the point of development that we were in before the prevalence of command-line tools and configuration utilities, so let's dive into that by talking about what problems Create React App solves!