IPv4 preference configuration
When you choose to configure IPv4 or IPv6 parameters, you will get the following window:

The parameters that you need to change are:
- Decode IPv4 TOS field as DiffServ field: The original IP protocol came out with a field called Type Of Service (TOS) for enabling IP quality of service through the network. In the early 1990s, the Differentiated Services (DiffServ) standard changed the way that an IP device looks in this field. Unchecking this checkbox will show this field as in the original IP standard.
- Enable GeoIP lookups: GeoIP is a database that enables Wireshark to present IP addresses as geographical locations. Enabling this feature in IPv4 and IPv6 will enable this presentation. This feature involves name resolutions and can therefore slow down packet capture in real time. You can see how to configure GeoIP in Chapter 10, Network Layer Protocols and Operations.