Preparing for the Certified OpenStack Administrator Exam

The four opens

The OpenStack Foundation is committed to ensuring that OpenStack follows "the four opens":

  1. Open source: The OpenStack source code is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 (APLv2). OpenStack is committed to creating truly open source software that is usable and scalable.
  2. Open design: OpenStack is also committed to an open design process. Every six months, the development community meets for a Project Team Gathering (PTG) to create the roadmap for the next release. This includes brainstorming ideas, gathering requirements, and writing blueprints for upcoming releases. The PTGs are always open to the public.
  3. Open development: OpenStack keeps its source code publicly available through the entire development process ( Everything is open, including code reviews, release roadmaps, and technical discussions.
  4. Open community: All processes are documented, open, and transparent. The technical governance of the project is democratic, with a community of contributors electing technical leads and members of technical committees. Project meetings are held in public IRC channels, and technical communication is primarily done through public mailing lists.