About the Author
Robert Layton is a data scientist investigating data-driven applications to businesses across a number of sectors. He received a PhD investigating cybercrime analytics from the Internet Commerce Security Laboratory at Federation University Australia, before moving into industry, starting his own data analytics company dataPipeline (www.datapipeline.com.au). Next, he created Eureaktive (www.eureaktive.com.au), which works with tech-based startups on developing their proof-of-concepts and early-stage prototypes. Robert also runs www.learningtensorflow.com, which is one of the world's premier tutorial websites for Google's TensorFlow library.
Robert is an active member of the Python community, having used Python for more than 8 years. He has presented at PyConAU for the last four years and works with Python Charmers to provide Python-based training for businesses and professionals from a wide range of organisations.
Robert can be best reached via Twitter @robertlayton
Thank you to my family for supporting me on this journey, thanks to all the readers of revision 1 for making it a success, and thanks to Matty for his assistance behind-the-scenes with the book.