Vaadin 7 UI Design By Example:Beginner’s Guide

Time for action – adding components as class members

To add UI components as class members, edit your TimeItUI class by adding these variables to it:

private static final TestSet[] testSets = new TestSet[] {
  new LongVsInt(),
  new StringVsStringBuffer(),
  new ShortCircuitVsNoShortCircuit()

private VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
private ComboBox combo = new ComboBox("Test");
private final TextField textField = new TextField("Number of
                                    iterations", "1000");
private CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox("Keep previous results");
private Button button = new Button("Time it!");
private VerticalLayout resultsLayout = new VerticalLayout();

What just happened?

The first thing you see, testSets, is just an array of business objects, specifically, an array containing instances of TestSet (take a look at the TestSet interface in the book's source code). Think of TestSet as a single scenario from which we want to obtain timing results. For example, the LongVsInt class will run two tests: one to time a loop controlled by a long object type and another to time a loop controlled by an int object type. If you want to add some testing scenarios, all you must do is to implement the TestSet interface and add a new instance to the testSets array.