About the Author
Alejandro Duarte learned how to program at age 13 using the Basic language on a black screen with a blinking cursor. He used to spend hours thinking of ideas for software that would be good to have and even more hours bringing these ideas to life. Alejandro graduated from National University of Colombia with a BS in Computer Science and has been involved in many Java-related software development projects. He first started working with Struts 2 and quickly switched to more RIA friendly frameworks such as Grails, jQuery, GWT, and Vaadin. Alejandro is the author of the Enterprise App for Vaadin add-on and InfoDoc Pro, both open source projects based on the Vaadin framework. He currently works as a developer for several companies and customers mainly in Colombia, Chile, India, Kenya, and the UK.
When not writing code, Alejandro splits his free time between his family, his beautiful girlfriend, and his passion for the electric guitar. You can contact him at <alejandro.d.a@gmail.com>
or through his personal blog http://www.alejandrodu.com. If you are feeling social, you can follow him on Twitter at @alejandro_du