13 校园活动和社会实践
★事实胜于雄辩。Facts speak louder than words.
★运动会每年举行一次。The athletic meeting is held once every year.
★她在肯德基找到了一份暑假工作。She found a summer job at KFC.
★父亲要尽许多责任。A father has many responsibilities.
★做志愿工作使我的生活更有意义。Volunteer work makes my life meaningful.
club 社团
•加入社团 join a club
•成立社团 form a club
•解散社团 break up a club
•健身俱乐部 health club
•足球俱乐部 football club
league 联合会
•国际联盟 league of nations
•联赛 league match
•青年团 youth league
•联赛杯 league cup
participate 参与
•参与 participate in
•参与社会活动 participate in social activities
•参加比赛 participate in a game
•参加会议 participate in a conference
•参与 partake
extracurricular activity 课外活动
•课外的 afterschool
•业余的 sparetime
•闲暇的 leisure
•课程的 curricular
pause 暂停
•踌躇 pause and ponder
•暂停键 pause button
•逗留 have a pause
•停止 stop
•暂停 time out
athletic meeting 运动会
•大学生运动会 university games
•开运动会 hold an athletic meet
•运动会 sports meet
•运动场 athletic field
prorogue 延期
•推迟 put off
•延期 hold over
•延迟 postpone
welcome party 迎新会
•欢迎宴会 welcome dinner
•上学前的情况介绍 orientation
student union 学生会
•学生会 student council
discussion 讨论
•进行讨论 have a discussion
•讨论区 discussion forum
•自由讨论 free discussion
•正在讨论中 under discussion
•分组讨论 group discussion
fanaticism 狂热
•狂热的 fanatic
•激情 passion
•热情 fervor
•狂热 abandon
recruit new member 招收新成员
•征募 enlist
•雇佣 employ
•新来的人 newcomer
•招聘 hands wanted
•招募志愿者 recruit volunteers
make a speech 发表演讲
•发表演讲 deliver a speech
•欢迎辞 speech of welcome
•言论自由 freedom of speech
•开幕致辞 opening speech
•告别词 farewell speech
bent 爱好
•爱好 hobby
•嗜好 appetite
•兴趣 interest
•喜爱 be fond of
fraternity 大学生联谊会
•友善 fraternize
•友谊 friendship
•兄弟情义 brotherliness
conundrum 难题
•问题 problem
•难题 puzzle
•未知的 unknown
eloquence 雄辩
•有口才的 eloquent
•口才 silver tongue
practice 实践
•在实践中 in practice
•教学实践 teaching practice
•社会实践 social practice
•法律实践 legal practice
trainee 受训练的人
•销售实习人员 sales trainee
•培训部经理 trainee manager
•训练 train
•训练员 trainer
competitiveness 竞争能力
•竞争优势 competitive strength
•竞争的 competitive
•竞争者 competitor
•竞争 competition
be engaged in 从事于
•致力于 devote oneself to
•从事于 work on
•从事 address
•专注于 apply oneself to
transcribe 转录
•复制 copy
•写下 write down
•记下 set down
part-time job 兼职
•全职工作 full-time job
•兼职者 pluralist
•兼职 concurrent post
summer job 暑期工作
•暑假 summer vacation
•寒假打工 winter work
unseasoned 没有经验的
•没有经验的 inexperienced
•经验 experience
•经验丰富的 seasoned
apprentice 学徒
•学习者 learner
•初学者 beginner
•生手 fresh hand
•能手 expert
criteria 标准
•评估标准 evaluative criteria
•考核标准 criteria of assessment
•录取标准 admission criteria
•入选标准 inclusion criteria
•验收标准 acceptance criteria
trainee salary 实习工资
•实际工资 real wages
•基本工资 base pay
•绩效工资 merit pay
•奖金 bonus
specific work 具体的工作
•抽象劳动 abstract work
•脑力劳动 mental labor
•体力劳动 manual labor
internship program 实习计划
•实地调查 fieldwork
•实习生 probationer
rewarding 有益的
•报答 reward
•有报酬的 rewardful
•有益的 profitable
•有利的 favorable
•不虚此行 a rewarding visit
gain experience 获得经验
•工作经验 work experience
•丰富的经验 rich experience
•个人经验 personal experience
•生活经验 life experience
responsibility 责任
•执行职责 executive responsibility
•承担责任 assume responsibility
•对……负责 take responsibility for
•责任制 responsibility system
•摆脱责任 shake one’s responsibility
•责任感 sense of responsibility
hasty 草率的
•轻率 hastiness
•草率的决定 hasty decision
•匆忙的准备 hasty preparation
•草率的 brief
semi-skilled 半熟练的
•半熟练的工人 semi-skilled workers
perquisite 额外津贴
•津贴 allowance
•补贴 subsidy
•救助金 benef
optimize 优化
•优化结构 optimize structure
•系统优化 system optimize
•改善 improve
•调整 adjust
•最佳化 optimization
sense of achievement 成就感
•终身成就 lifetime achievement
•学业成就 academic achievement
•杰出成就 outstanding achievement
strive 奋斗
•反抗 strive against
•努力发展 strive to develop
•力争自由 strive for freedom
•全力以赴 go all out
•努力 try hard