14 努力学习得奖学金
★这个勤奋的孩子经常熬夜读书。The diligent kid always burnt the midnight oil.
★我申请口译课程。I am applying for the interpretation program.
★这次考试乔排名靠前。Joe ranked high in this exam.
★她真聪明,想到要带相机。It is smart of her to bring a camera.
★他把成功归功于父母的支持。He owed his success to his parents.
make every effort 尽全力做
•尽某人最大努力 try one’s best
•不遗余力 spare no effort
•极限 utmost
pursue 追求
•追求 pursuit
•追赶 chase
•搜寻 hunt
•探索 quest
•追求 go after
excel 擅长
•超越 surpass
•超过 exceed
•打败 beat
•最优秀的 top
•擅长于 excel in/at
urge 催促
•强迫 force
•煽动 incite
•激起 prompt
•推动 push
diligent 勤奋的
•勤勉的 painstaking
•努力工作的 hardworking
make progress 进步
•在进行中 in progress
•前进 advance
•行进 proceed
attain 达到
•获得 gain
•赢 win
•达到 achieve
•完成 accomplish
•实现 come true
motivate 激励
•动机 motivation
•受到激励的 motivated
•刺激 stimulate
•推进 propel
perseverance 不屈不挠
•坚持 persistence
•顽强 doggedness
•韧性 tenacity
burn the midnight oil 熬夜读书
•熬夜 sit up late
apply for 申请
•申请 application
•申请 ask for
•录取 admission
•拒绝 rejection
scholarship 奖学金
•半额奖学金 partial scholarship
•奖学金 fellowship
•大学奖学金 bursary burse
report card 成绩单
•成绩单 transcript
•副本 copy
•试卷 test paper
straight-A 成绩全部都是优秀
•最优秀的学生 top students
•表现 performance
credit 学分
•评分标准 grading criteria
•学分系统 credit system
•额外的学分 extra credit
first place 第一
•一流的 first rank
•卓越的 four-star
international student 国际留学生
•海外的 overseas
•国外的 foreign
•全球的 global
•交换生 exchange student
contest 竞争
•选手 contestant
•竞赛 competition
•联赛 tournament
•比赛 compete
rank high 排名靠前
•排名 rank
•与……并列 rank with
•在前列 in the front rank
gold medal 金牌
•银牌 silver medal
•铜牌 bronze medal
•荣誉奖章 medal of honor
freshman 大一新生
•大二学生 sophomore
•大三年级学生 junior
•大四年级学生 senior
wise 明智的
•博学的 learned
•圣人 sage
•有教养的 cultured
talent 才能
•天资 aptitude
•禀赋 endowment
•天才 genius
•天赋 gift
•神童 prodigy
sagacious 睿智的
•有洞察力的 perspicacious
•聪明的 sapient
•眼光敏锐的 discerning
•智慧 wit
peerless 无可匹敌的
•无敌的 matchless
•无与伦比的 nonpareil
•无法对抗的 unmatched
•所向无敌的 unrivaled
excellent 优秀的
smart 聪明的
•聪明的 brainy
•智能的 intelligent
•精明的 shrewd
elite 精英
•精英教育 elite education
•特殊阶层 elect
•享有特权的 privileged
•上级的 superior
intelligence 智力
•智慧 wisdom
•智商 intelligence quotient
•情商 emotional quotient
•智力测验 intelligence test
•人工智能 artificial intelligence
outstanding 杰出的
•显著的 conspicuous
•杰出的 distinguished
•卓越的 eminent
•突出的 prominent
familiar 熟悉的